I-25, Exit 115
Socorro, New Mexico

Come and enjoy a traditional New Mexico Christmas play. La Gran Pastorela is a version of the shepherds’ plays performed in New Mexico for centuries in villages all along the Camino Real. The play is performed in colonial Spanish by Los Pastores de Belén, a group of amateur actors who have been performing and keeping alive this traditional Christmas play for the past thirty-six years.

The story is one of simple shepherds who are invited by an angel to go see the Christ Child in Belén. Along the way they must overcome the temptations and threats of the devil - “El Demonio” - as well as their own human weaknesses. With the help of the Arc Angel Miguel they finally arrive and see the promised Messiah, offering him simple gifts from the heart. Traditional New Mexico Christmas music accompanies the play and adds a special touch.

Before there was television and other mass media people preserved their faith and culture through plays and music like La Gran Pastorela. So come and experience living history.

Bring the whole family to see this wonderful Christmas story!

Shuttle available from Socorro, 575-835-1501.

WHEN: Saturday, December 11th, 2010, 1 PM
WHERE: El Camino Real International Heritage Center , 300 East County Road 1598, San Antonio , NM 87832 . Located on I-25 between Socorro and T or C, Exit 115.

COST: Event free with paid Monument admission. Free admission for ages 16 & under. Free admission for MNM and ECRIHC Foundation members. Single adult visit, $5.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: 575-854-3600, or visit www.elcaminoreal.org

Added by slongtoo on December 8, 2010

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