A Yin and Vinyasa Yoga Retreat with Roberto Lim and Josh Summers
In Sabina Retreat Center near Rome, Italy
October 10-17, 2009
DESCRIPTIONJoin Josh and Roberto for a feast of yoga and the senses with the beautiful Italian countryside at In Sabina as the backdrop.Your week includes a sweet combination of the contemplative practice of Yin yoga to be led by Josh Summers contrasted with the dynamism and playfulness of vinyasa yoga led by Roberto Lim. Read more about Josh and Roberto below.General Schedule7:00am Continental Breakfast9:30am Morning Practice12:00pm LunchAfternoon Free time5:00pm Evening Practice7:00pm DinnerEnjoy peaceful pursuits at In Sabina and the thrill of travel to foreign places. Optional activities are: a day trip to either Rome (45 min away) or an Umbrian town (Spoleto and Orvieto (1hr away) or Siena and Assisi (2 hr away); hot sulphur springs; or a tour of medieval sites. Plan for warm days in the 70s with access to a pool and cool nights.Sign-up immediately as space is limited.DEPOSIT, FEE & REGISTRATIONDEPOSIT - $400DOUBLE - $1495 (early-bird by 6/30/09)/$1695 (7/1/09 and later)SINGLE - $1945/$2145Includes yoga, lodging and food for 7 nights/8 days (Check-in Saturday at 4:30pm and check-out Saturday at 10:00am). International airfare and local transfers are NOT included.
Save $50 per person if signing up with a friend (Rebate will be provided after sign-up).To pay by check, send check (payable to YOGATHREE) for your deposit or fee to YOGATHREE c/o Roberto Lim, PO BOX 6046, BOSTON, MA 02114.
CANCELLATION POLICYDeposits are non-refundable. If you have to cancel, you will be refunded fee less the $400 deposit. If you have to cancel after 9/10/09, no refunds can be given. Please contact either of us to make arrangements.TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATIONYou will need a passport for international travel! Visit online at travel.state.gov/passport for information on obtaining and rennewing your passport.As soon as we have a group of 10 people, we will make arrangements plan to purchase tickets at a group rate. The closest international airports to In Sabina are Rome-Fiumicino International Airport (Code: FCO) or Ciampino Airport (Code: CIA). We suggest planning for a Rome arrival on Saturday by 12pm as we will organize a shuttle bus transfer from Fiumicino to In Sabina for 2pm.
If you are travelling on your own schedule, we recommend KAYAK.COM for finding flights. Once you arrive in Italy, you can take a train from the airport to Stimigliano which is the closest train station to In Sabina.LOCATION INFORMATIONIn Sabina (www.insabina.com) is located in the Italian countryside and its grounds contain two beautifully restored 17th century stone buildings which overlook an undulating panorama of olive groves and fruit trees. There is a pool and three terraces with beautiful vistas for relaxing and watching the stunning sunsets. The charming village of Torri in Sabina nestles in the hills nearby.Inside, rooms are designed in a simple natural style, a combination of old and new. Furnishings and fabrics complement the buildings and their natural surroundings creating an environment which is calm, comfortable, practical and ideal of spiritual practice.BIOGRAPHIES
JOSH SUMMERS Josh interweaves the wisdom of yoga with the insights of the Buddha's teachings on mindfulness and meditation, offering an integral approach to balancing the body, mind and Heart. Here at Back Bay Yoga, Josh is the resident acupuncturist and Director of Contemplative Practices. www.joshsummers.netROBERTO LIM - Roberto teaches vinyasa yoga and invites each student to connect to their inner flow. Using music as a backdrop, each of Roberto's classes incorporate opening movements, variations on Surya Namaskars to open the body, vinyasa krama (stages) to build up to a peak pose, and restorative poses to release tension and rejuvenate. He believes in the power of yoga as a practice to heal and strengthen, to heighten consciousness, to find balance by studying opposites, and to transcend boundaries thus liberating oneself. He is inspired by his current teacher, Shiva Rea with whom he has been studying for four years. Roberto is devoted to sharing the many gifts of yoga that he has received through his teachers and practice. www.somavinyasayoga.com
Organized by YogaThreeYogaThree was created by Chanel Luck and Roberto Lim tospread the ideas of wellness, community and travel to the Boston area and beyond.They each teach in Boston yoga centers and together they teach workshops, lead retreats, publish a newsletter, and organize eventssuch as hosting travelling teachers and GlobalMala Boston, a large-scale yoga benefit.
Ticket Info: - DEPOSIT, $409.95
- EARLY-BIRD DOUBLE, $1,504.95
- DOUBLE (after 7/1/09), $1,704.95
- EARLY-BIRD SINGLE, $1,954.95
- SINGLE, $2,154.95
Official Website: http://italyretreat-upcoming.eventbrite.com