Feel the sun on your shoulders and sip wine on the Piazza San Marco. Experience spring, summer, fall and winter in Italy with Venetian Baroque master Vivaldi. The German composer Mendelssohn, whose vibrant symphony was inspired his by own travels, reveals his 19th-century impressions of Rome and Naples. LACO concertmaster Margaret Batjer leads our wonderful journey from the first chair.
*Margaret Batjer, leader & violin
Vivaldi Violin Concerto in E major, La primavera (“Spring”)
Vivaldi Violin Concerto in G minor, L’estate (“Summer”)
Vivaldi Violin Concerto in F major, L’autunno (“Autumn”)
Vivaldi Violin Concerto in F minor, L’inverno (“Winter”)
Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 in A major, (“Italian”)
Concert Preludes are fun, informative and free to all ticket holders.
Join us one hour before each concert in the theatre. Some Preludes will feature LIVE performances of short chamber works. All will provide interesting insights into the music and the artists.
Tickets $18-100*
*Senior and student discounts available. One per valid ID. Please call.
Call Jacquie, Marcella or Laura in the box office at 213 622 7001 × 215.
Official Website: http://www.laco.org
Added by LACO on August 3, 2009