135 N Grand Ave
Los Angeles, California 90012

February 17, 2007 & March 3, 2007

A collaboration between Active Arts at the Music Center and Cornerstone Theater Company

Do you have a special story or a memorable experience to share about downtown Los Angeles?

During a two-day workshop, participants describe memories and exchange stories of downtown L.A. – stirring images, remarkable people, and distinctive sites, sounds, tastes. Working with and guided by Cornerstone's professional writers, actors, facilitators, and directors, participants weave this remarkable collection of stories together and at the end of the process, share with friends, family, and invited guests.

Space is limited. Sign up by February 5, 2007.
No prior storytelling experience necessary, must be at least 18 years old to participate. Participants are responsible for own parking costs.


Once confirmed, selected participants will attend two story-sharing workshops on February 17 and March 3, 9am to 2pm on both days, at the Music Center.

CORNERSTONE THEATER COMPANY is a multi-ethnic, ensemble-based theater company. We commission and produce new plays, both original works and contemporary adaptations of classics, which combine the artistry of professional and community collaborators. By making theater with and for people of many ages, cultures and levels of theatrical experience, Cornerstone builds bridges between and within diverse communities in our home city of Los Angeles and nationwide. For more information, please visit www.cornerstonetheater.org

ACTIVE ARTS AT THE MUSIC CENTER is supported by grants from the James Irvine Foundation, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, The Ahmanson Foundation, The Annenberg Foundation, and the James A. Doolittle Foundation. Corporate sponsorship provided by U.S. Bank. Media partner, KCRW. L.A. Storytellers, a project in collaboration with Cornerstone Theater Company.

Comments? Questions? We'd love to hear from you. Send us an email at activearts@musiccenter.org or call 213.972.3660

Official Website: http://musiccenter.org/lastory.html

Added by kiracle on January 19, 2007

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