631 W. 2nd Street
Los Angeles, California 90012

Flowing from sumptuous swagger to elegant, precise articulation, the movement in Kyle Abraham’s breakout full-evening dance is set to an intricate audio collage, as the rising-star New York choreographer offers a passionate reflection on communal identity, personal history, and—poignantly—the loss of communication, of voice. The dance’s abstract narrative is built around the abrupt closure of a popular black radio station in Abraham’s hometown community in Pittsburgh—now deprived of a means of shared expression—a loss which the artist connects to a struggle against Alzheimer’s and aphasia in his own family. Abraham and his six fellow dancers, with their uncanny blend of easy fluidity and formal rigor, layer their performance to a sound tapestry composed of snippets of soul and hip-hop songs, call-in radio, static, electronic pulses and original music by company member Amber Lee Parker.

Official Website: http://www.redcat.org

Added by redcatpr on August 29, 2011