Visit with Western Kentucky bowhunting only whitetail lodge CCW Outfitters from Marion, Ky. Owners Jason and Cassi Purvis will be on hand at the Birmingham World Deer & Turkey Expo.
Men, talk to Jason one-on-one about the exciting trophy whitetail bowhunting action on thousands of acres of prime hunting land in Western Kentucky. Strict quality deer management practices have been implemented to give you the opportunity at a mature whitetail trophy buck.
Ladies, this is your opportunity to talk to Cassi about how CCW Outfitters has created a beautiful 5 star whitetail bowhunting lodge that is female friendly and offers excellent husband and wife bowhunting vacations. Home cooked meals and private rooms with showers. Whitetail hunting is limited to 8 guests at a time.
For more about CCW Outfitters:
This event is a must for the serious whitetail bowhunter!
Posted by Wild Sports Marketing:
Added by Wild Sports Marketing on June 12, 2009