Thur-Sun, April 5-8, 2012; Thu 7-10pm; Fri & Sat 9am-10pm; Sun 9am-6pm
Kundalini Meditation & Shaktipat Retreat
With Swami Khecaranatha
This retreat includes Kundalini meditation and shaktipat sessions, discussions about Tantric Shaivism, and a Shree Chakra ceremony and initiation.
"There is no other divine fire able to consume the whole of duality than Kundalini."
Kundalini Meditation& Shaktipat Sessions
Swami Khecaranatha leads silent and guided meditations, teaches powerful meditation techniques, and gives shaktipat - the transmission of energy that activates the vital force that exists within every person.
Tantric Shaivism
Swami Khecaranatha elucidates the essence of the extraordinary teachings of ancient Kashmir Shaivism. In these discussions and question and answer sessions he explains the process, challenges, and rewards of deep spiritual work.
Shree Chakra Ceremony & Initiation
The ceremony & mantra initiation by Khecaranatha is an opportunity to experience the living spiritual force inherent in the practice of Shree Yantra.
Swami Khecaranatha
Swami Khecaranatha has been teaching Kundalini MahaYoga since 1972. With a mastery etched from four decades of inner practice and selfless service, he is an authentic adept of Tantric Shaivism and an initiated carrier in the Shaktipat Lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Rudrananda (Rudi).
"Khecaranatha's teachings coincide with the Kashmiri Trika school of Shaivism. He has attained, through the transmission of his teachers and a lifetime of practice and profound personal experience, a deep understanding of the teachings of Anuttara Trika - considered by the Kashmiris to be the most elevated teachings of all the Tantric practices."
-Mark Dyczkowski, One of the world's foremost authorities and authors on Kashmiri Shaivism
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 14, 2012