1623 1/2 N. Cahuenga Blvd
Hollywood, California 90028

From Kristy:

Hello Los Angeles,

Please mark your calendars - Next show, Please join us-
Mon., Feb. 12th @ the Hotel Cafe, 8pm. (more info follows)

Well, I've been hiding out in Texas for a bit, and helping my family through this process of losing my brother. In my time here, I held a special memorial performance for my brother on what would have been his 41st birthday. All the major newspapers and stations in Dallas covered it and it was such a success that I've decided to dedicate the next year of my life to performing a memorial concert for my brother in every single state in the US. Seeing as he died in this country's name, I'd like him to be remembered in every single state.

So for those of you that come from far and wide, I'd appreciate any leads of respectable, but small venues in your hometowns.

Here, also are the links, one to a CBS video about the show, a
feature in the Dallas Observer, & Dallas Morning News, all
beautifully done:

Dallas Observer article:


Dallas Morning News article:

Thanks to Amoeba records, Los Angeles' favorite indie record store, for selecting me as their "Homegrown Artist" for the month of January. They ran a 1/4 page ad in the LA Weekly to promote this upcoming show:

Mon. Feb. 12th
The Hotel Cafe, with a full band...
1623 1/2 N/ Cahuenga Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Showtime: 8pm
Cover $7

Hope to see you there!

Sunshine, bunnies, and muffins to all,

Official Website: http://www.kristykruger.com

Added by PEOPLE WHO DONT HATE FUN on January 23, 2007