Konundrum Engine Literary Review is pleased to present a night of fiction readings by a line-up of new and upcoming writers.
Hosted by KELR editor Pitchaya Sudbanthad.
Below are the bios for the readers:
Daniel Alarcón hails from Lima, Peru. His short stories have appeared in The New Yorker and other magazines. His first story collection is War by Candlelight (Harper Collins, 2005).
Samantha Hunt is a writer and artist from New York. Her stories and poems have appeared in McSweeney's, Cabinet, Jubilat, Seed Magazine, The Iowa Review and on the NPR radio show This American Life. She teaches writing and bookmaking at Pratt Institute and is the fiction editor of Crowd magazine. Hunt's first novel is The Seas, to be published by MacAdam/Cage in October 2004.
Tobias Seamon's first novel The Magician's Study was recently published by Turtle Point Press. A chapbook of poetry Loosestrife Along the River Styx (FootHills Publishing) was also released in 2004, with a full-length collection Crossing Lethe forthcoming next year from Ravenna Press. A contributing writer with the online magazine The Morning News, he lives in Albany, NY.
Music by James Trimarco, a graduate student in Cultural Anthropology at CUNY. He likes the banjo.
Added by konundrum on September 3, 2004