1432 4th St
Santa Monica, California 90401

Koffeehouse Music & BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) announce it’s next, monthly industry showcase and open mic, KOFFEEHOUSE SESSIONS on Thursday, September 2nd at Harvelle's in Santa Monica. This popular Westside showcase features the best in emerging singer/songwriters and bands the first Thursday of every month. September’s line up will feature performances by the amazingly talented Rachael Cantu at 8:30PM, Austin Hartley-Leonard at 9:30PM, Moi and band at 10:30PM and LA VIE at 11:30PM. Open mic jam will begin at 6:30PM. Tickets are $10.00 and doors open at 7:00PM. To sign up for the jam, email chris@koffeehouse.com. Harvelle’s is located at 1432 4th Street in Santa Monica, CA. To reserve a table, call (310) 395-1676.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142819512419683&ref=ts

Added by kkoury930 on August 26, 2010

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