Just need phone - Eastern Time
Indianapolis, Indiana

We're on our second telecourse already!

"Knowing What You Know" is a 6-week telecourse of the InnerVision Body/Mind Evolution process, a simple yet powerful process that maps beliefs and blocks that hold you back, helps you redesign them easily and gracefully, and gives you the exact steps to move forward. As we work each week with Gratitude, Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness, Quantum Physics, the Laws of the Universe, and intention and language, you will see how to use use "where you are" as a map to achieve your goals. This process works in person and by phone, can be used on oneself, others and groups, and integrated into just about any other modality.

As part of the curriculum, you will also receive a one-on-one InnerVision Life Navigation sessions at a special price (a savings of $40 total). Class size is limited to a minimum of two and a maximum of six individuals. Each session is recorded and participants will receive a downloadable copy of each class.

DETAILS AND REGISTRATION: Visit www.paradigmalchemy.com/workshops.htm for payment and registration information and specific course curriculum. Deadline to register is Friday June 11. Email Melinda for more information at paradigmalchemy@yahoo.com.

Melinda de Marmion is an intuitive body/mind practitioner and Sacred Voice TranceCHANT practitioner and teacher. The InnerVision Body/Mind Evolution process is a result of her 18-year journey of "redesigning" her own childhood trauma experiences.

Official Website: http://www.paradigmalchemy.com/workshops.htm

Added by paradigmalchemy on May 12, 2010

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