Social Networking is a hot topic on the Consumer Web thanks to sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and MySpace. But what role do social networks play inside organisations?
What is Social Network Analysis (SNA) and how can organisations make use of it? What are Knowledge Networks, Communities of Interest and Communities of Practice and what must be considered when creating them?
What tools and technologies exist to support organisations in the creation and growth of such networks?
Does the creation of social networks lead to more ‘Collaboration’ and less ‘Knowledge Management’?
Come to this event for the answers to these questions and more.
Our expert presenters are:
Professional Scientist, QinetiQ
Senior Adviser, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
Business Development Manager, The Morphix Company
The event is FREE to attend, but registration is required. To register, please send an email to with the following information:
- Full Name
- Job Title
- Organisation
- BCS Member (Y/N)
Official Website:
Added by rtandoh on November 16, 2007