701 Pennsylvania Ave Nw
Washington, District of Columbia 20004

Please join us for an unbelievable evening to support the profound efforts of KidSave - an international organization dedicated to helping older orphaned & foster care children find permanent placement with loving families - because every child needs a loving home…

Kis•met [kiz-mit], noun - fate, destiny, serendipity; an almost magic connection created by one's willingness to make a difference to children in need.

Kid•save [kid-save], proper noun - international organization working to place older children from orphanages & foster care into the loving embrace of permanent families.

This incredible evening features an open bar, hors d'oeuvres, dessert reception, entertainment, raffle, a lavish auction, & network opportunities to mix & mingle with some of the area's most influential movers & shakers, newsmakers, authors, & athletes. Friday's after-party is included as well. Details follow…

Kismet for Kidsave: "Who are YOU meant to meet?"

June 11, Thursday, 6:30pm
At the Navy Heritage Museum, 701 Pennsylvania Ave, NW DC

After-party Reception
Friday, June 12, 7pm at Eye Bar, 1716 I St NW DC.

To register, please visit http://kidsave.org/pdf/Kismet_Web_final.pdf.

For more information, please contact Margarita Rozenfeld of Incite International: margarita@inciteinternational.com. And don’t forget to bring your friends!

Promotional Assistance Provided by Richard A. Dostal of The Writer's Inc. Online: www.TheWritersInc.Net Email: Rick@TheWritersInc.Net

Official Website: http://kidsave.org/pdf/Kismet_Web_final.pdf

Added by shamanguide99 on June 5, 2009

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