The tiny boy named Kirikou who can run as fast as a road runner is one of the most popular animated characters of recent years around the globe, although he’s not well known in English-speaking countries.
This film (the second film of Kirkou’s adventures to date) will show Columbus audiences why children have fallen in love with the ingenious and brave child. The four short stories that make up Kirikou and the Wild Beasts are based on West African folktales, and the evocative simplicity and directness of the drawn images match the style of the narration and dialogue. Also important to the film’s success and beauty is the infectious soundtrack by some of Africa’s best known musicians: Youssou N’Dour from Senegal, Rokia Traoré from Mali, and Manu Dibango from Cameroon. (72 mins., 35mm)
This animation incorporates natural nudity throughout.
Subtitles will be read aloud at the 3:30 PM screening but not at the 5 PM screening.
Wexner Center members are invited to attend either screening for free as part of Member Appreciation Days.
Recommended for ages 4 and up.
Official Website:
Added by Wexner Center on October 9, 2007