You should join us for our meet & greet with Kinky Friedman this Saturday 7/18/09 at Tobacco Box located at 8809 Lakeview Pkwy #122 in Rowlett, TX from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Food, drinks and a lot of great Texans having a good time. Gary will also be here to talk about the Lifeline efforts to build the largest Animal Rescue Awareness network across the state with the help of Kinky Friedman.
Tobacco Box
8809 Lakeview Pkwy #122
Rowlett, TX 75032
Can't make it, but would like to get involved in the lifelines efforts to save animals.
Contact Gary at Brick & Mortar for more information 214-660-1062 or email us at the
We look forward to meeting!
Texans For Kinky 2010
Sean Robinson
Official Website:
Added by Gary Irvin on July 14, 2009