Tom Dudzik’s “King of the Moon” is a continuation of the Pazinski family who were first introduced in “Over the Tavern” which was presented last spring at Carthage College. It is not necessary for audience members to have seen “Over the Tavern” to enjoy and love this new play. “King of the Moon” has greater urgency and sharper realism as the family tackles grown-up issues like divorce, remarriage, war, and draft-evasion. The story picks up ten years in the future; Rudy is now a seminary student however he is still faced with questions regarding his faith and Church teachings. Older brother Eddie is now married and leaving for Vietnam and sister Annie is contemplating divorce. This play veers into the sentimentality of the love for family but still keeps the audience laughing with its bubbly comedy.
Tickets for this performance are $12 for adults and $8 for students and seniors. They are available by calling the Carthage College Ticket Booth at (262) 551-6661, or e-mailing the theatre at
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Added by CarthageTheatre on October 3, 2006