364 Pacific St
San Luis Obispo, California 93401

Pursued by Competitive Edge Media, a California-based media, production and marketing corporation, Kimberlie inked her first deal, to host several multimercials (mini-infomercials) for the company's newest products on its soon-to-be-launched channel, LifeBrands TV. Trekking down to Tim Pipher’s Southeastern Studios in beautiful Vero Beach, Florida this August, Dykeman continues to carry the torch as a sought-after infomercial queen, having hosted programs produced both in the US and the Philippines, now broadcasted internationally. Dykeman is also in talks with Competitive Edge Media to both serve as LifeBrand TV’s recurring spokesperson and host, and to tap their expertise in the further development of her SOAPBOX® motivational line of lifestyle products.

About Competitive Edge Media: http://www.compedgemedia.com

About Kimberlie Dykeman: http://www.kimberliedykeman.com

Added by KimberlieDykeman on July 24, 2009