KML For the Very First Time--our world premiere sketch comedy all about first-time experiences starring the ladies of Killing My Lobster--is up now through December 8 at ODC Theater (site of our KML Faces the Music earlier this year).
Directed by KML veteran Shaye Troha, the show is a cornucopia of all sorts of awkward, titilating, and incendiary "first time" experiences: from the first female president of the U.S., to a child's first interaction with the boogie man, to the first time a cowboy kills a man, to an acapella showstopper all about first time experiences, and more.
Oh--and in case YOU like to dress up as characters too, there are some very fun theme nights planned every Friday throughout the run. Dress up. Meet people. Get free stuff. Boo yah.
Don't miss out! If you like virgins and virgin experiences (minds out of the gutter, folks) check out KML For the Very First Time, Nov 8 thru Dec 8 at ODC. Reserve your tickets now!
Official Website:
Added by ryanjunell on November 24, 2007