Do you need someone to watch the kids for a few hours? Why not take advantage of Kidsville's Summer Camps? With school being out for the summer, the kids could definitely use an adventure! Rest assure that your kids are being both entertained and taken care of while you're relaxing or running errands.
Camps are every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and begin at 9:30 AM and ends at 1:30 PM. SOCKS and a sack lunch will be required for all campers. Our camp includes free play here at Kidsville, a snack, juice box, themed arts and crafts, games and group activities! We will also be taking the kids over to PUMP IT UP every Friday so make sure you take advantage of that! (Children must be Potty Trained & 3 yrs+ )
Call for Camp themes!
Official Website:
Added by kidsvilleplaytown on June 11, 2009