414 Mason Street, #705 (in the Native Sons Building)
San Francisco, California 94102

The San Francisco Comedy College is now offering children's lessons for students age 12 - 17. These lessons are taught by professional comic and meet weekly for 2 and 1/2 hour. After the fourth lesson your child will get the opportunity to perform on a real comedy stage in front of a live audience. Stand up isn't all laughs, while learning this skill your child will also be learning writing skills, public speaking, and networking, not to mention the enormous boost in self esteem they will receive every time they get a laugh. The San Francisco Comedy College is offering this incredible opportunity for just $200 for a 4 week session (that’s less then a night out at the movies, plus no previews to sit through!). If your child is a class clown looking for a constructive outlet or a wall flower in need of a confidence boost, please contact us by email at richsfcc@yahoo.com or call us at (415) 921-2051. If you would like some more information please go to sfcomedycollege.com or to our Kid’s Page at Lilmonkey.typepad.com/sfcc_kids

Official Website: http://kidscomedy.org

Added by badgeradammclaughlin on September 4, 2007