501 Laurel
Menlo Park, California 94025

When: August 5 & 6
What: Kids Sport Testing
Who: Kids ages 8-12
Where: Burgess Park in Menlo Park
Public Info: www.sportspotential.com
Contact: Michelle Brown at Sports Potential (650-298-0900) or mbrown@sportspotential.com to register. Advanced registration required.

Find out which of 38 sports are best suited for your child.

Not every sport is right for every child at every age. In order for sports to be both fun and a beneficial experience the choice of what sports a child plays has to be carefully made and geared to their age, development and skill level. Using the same scientific methods and analysis as the United States Olympic Committee and the National Governing Bodies of Sport, the Sport Matching & Readiness Tool (designed for children 8 to 12) matches a child’s skills and abilities with 38 sports. Let SMART help your child have a positive experience playing sports this season.

Contact Michelle Brown directly to receive the promotional price of $100 (normally $135).

Official Website: http://www.sportspotential.com

Added by sportspotential on July 27, 2006

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