Zooglobble Recommended!: "The great roots-punk music would be reason enough to see 'em live, but Key Wilde's a great illustrator, too, and he'll be bringing along some animation to go with the music."
Key Wilde and Mr Clarke create a zany musical world where pigs grow as big as tractor trailers, little dogs think they are bullfrogs and people can go to the moon in a red balloon. In the hands of lesser artists, these themes would fall flat with anyone beyond the age of four. But with this offbeat and accomplished singer-songwriter duo, fresh musical treats are in store for even the most jaded ears.
"This up-and-coming duo's tunes call to mind the sounds of Johnny Cash...had the Man in Black sung slightly more kid-appropriate songs. Kids will likely get a kick out of the nutty lyrics in ditties about dogs who think they are frogs and fish that fly. Parents can vibe on the multilingual punk tune 'Favorite Names' and on 'Rattling Can,' an awesome bluegrass reworking of the Irish ditty 'Rattling Bog.' Ages 2 and up." -Time Out
"Key Wilde & Mr Clarke's live performance is nothing short of splendiferous. With raging charisma and catchy tunes, audiences (both kids and their grown-ups) can't help but to get up and move!" -Tor Hyams, Kidzapalooza
"Together Key Wilde and Mr Clarke are committed to combining outstanding visuals with funny upbeat original songs that will appeal to people of all ages. Songs and pictures - with an emphasis on HUMOR and memorable characters - that parents and children can enjoy together." -Little Monster
Official Website: http://www.jamminjava.com/
Added by Jammin Java on June 16, 2010