Hullabaloo is farm-fresh, free-range, organic kid-folk in a genre filled with musical Twinkies and Ding-Dongs. Don't get us wrong (and please don't sue us Hostess Foods Inc.), Twinkies and Ding-Dongs are great (in small doses). But, after a while, you need something with a little more substance-something that won't induce an insulin coma.
Here at Hullabaloo World Headquarters (the back corner of Steve's mom's garage), we like to say "We're putting the music back in kid's music!" because, until recently, it's been a pretty sad state of affairs. A lot of parents raised on rock'n'roll have a hard time down-shifting to singing dinosaurs and hamsters and, frankly, we don't blame them.
We're proud to be part of a growing number of artists that have found a way to honor and entertain kids without making their parents want to jump out of a moving mini-van.
Steve's a folksinger and a songwriter and Brendan is a long-time rock'n'roll drummer so, you'll hear traces of twang, funk, rock, folk and blues in our songs. We play the time-tested favorites we all grew up with and we write songs that make kids laugh, think, sing, dance, clap and stomp their feet.
2006- Parents' Choice Award for "Sing Along With Sam"
2007- Parents' Choice Award for "Hey, Everybody!"
2007- Childrens Music Web Award for "Hey, Everybody!"
2008- NAPPA Gold Award for "Tall as a Tree"
2008- Parents' Choice Award for "Tall as a Tree"
2008- Children's Music Web Award for "Tall as a Tree"
Official Website:
Added by Jammin Java on January 28, 2010