Effective July 1, 2006 the Illinois Supreme Court passed into lawa mandate that all parents with minor children who separate/divorcemust complete a 4 hour parenting class.
The Parent Place designed the Kids' Rights program to meet the needs of familiesduring this difficult time.
Kids' Rights provides parents with the tools necessary to maintain focus on their children duringthisprocess of rebuilding their family after a separation/divorce.
Major components are:
* All Children Have the Right to Know and Love Both Parents
* Children Neither Want or Need to be Exposed to their Parents Conflicts
* All Children Have the Right to be Physically, Emotionally and Financially Supportedby Both Parents
* How Divorce Impacts Children and
* One Child/Two Homes
Kids' Rights is offered three times per month on a sliding fee scale.
Fees range from $25.00 - $125.00.
**Note: Income is verified via the court system.
Organized by The Parent Place of Springfield
Ticket Info: - $0-$24,999, $25.99
- $25,000-$39,999, $51.25
- $40,000-$64,999, $76.88
- $65,000-$84,999, $102.50
- $85,000-above, $128.12
Official Website: http://kidsrights-november18-upcoming.eventbrite.com