37545 Detroit Road
Avon, Ohio 44011

APPTA Kid’s Kloset is a resale event featuring a large variety of gently used infant and children’s clothes, toys and furniture, as well as maternity clothes and baby equipment. APPTA “rents” spaces to sellers, who are then responsible for setting up their own displays, pricing their items and collecting payment. It’s a great opportunity for you to sell any children’s items that you no longer need and to purchase gently used items at BARGAIN PRICES! You can be involved as a seller, a buyer or both!


The spring sale will take place on Saturday, March 28, 2009, from 7 am until noon at Avon High School, 37545 Detroit Road. Admission is $5 for the early bird sale from 7-9 am and $2 from 9 am on.


For starters, this will be APPTA’s biggest sale yet, with over 65 tables of quality used merchandise! More importantly, please note that there will be NO LARGE ITEM AREA this time around. It does not mean we will not have large items like strollers, high chairs, pack n’ plays, etc. We will. It simply means that sellers will display and sell large items in their own space. For sellers with many large items, we recommend purchasing an additional space.

Also new this year is the Summer Camp Fair. Representatives from area day cares, preschools and camps will be on hand to provide information on their summer programs.


APPTA Members: Spaces will go on sale at the monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, February 10th. The cost is $25 for the first space and $15 for a second space, if needed. Please bring your completed Seller Sign-Up form (see below) and a check made payable to APPTA. If you are unable to make it to the meeting, please contact Marisa Scharff AFTER February 10th ((216) 570-2563 or apptakidskloset@yahoo.com).

Non-Members: If spaces do not sell out, they will be made available to the public starting Tuesday, February 17th. The cost is $30 for the first space and $15 for a second space, if needed. Payment is required in order to reserve your spot. Please contact Marisa Scharff on or after February 17th to find out if spaces are still available ((216) 570-2563 or apptakidskloset@yahoo.com).

Official Website: http://avonpreschoolpta.com

Added by AvonPreschoolPTA on February 11, 2009

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