1100 N Mineral Springs Rd
Porter, Indiana 46304

Join a ranger in the Visitor Center activity room for an afternoon of fun kids activities and stories.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 15, 2010



Hi Miki,

we missed you. It was a great meeting!

We had amazing participants and can you believe it, the Water Angel was there! Her presentation had us all wide-eyed, sitting on the edge of our seat. The refreshments, ambiance, conversation, laughter, joy, networking, it was terrific. The experience filled us all with grace.

Regarding next month's meeting, we plan to book up fast as space is limited. We'd love to have you join us and co-create this unique community. So, please go to www.higherpurposebusinessnetwork.com to RSVP and tell your friends.

Take Care.

See you then.

Blessings and Light,
Higher Purpose Business Network