602 Oakesdale Ave.
Renton, Washington 98057

The Kidney Research Institute on March 6, 2012, will hold a free lunchtime lecture about kidney and heart health. Dr. Jonathan Himmelfarb, director of the institute, will speak on the subject, "Kidney disease and cardiovascular disease: The hidden connection," from noon to 1 p.m. at Northwest Kidney Centers Renton, 602 Oakesdale Ave. SW, Renton. He will discuss the vital connection between heart health and the kidneys, and current research to make tangible improvements in the lives of kidney patients.

The public is encouraged to bring a lunch to this free event; dessert is complimentary. To attend, please RSVP to Syrenka Slettebak at 206-720-8540 or syrenka.slettebak@nwkidney.org. The Kidney Research Institute was established in 2008 in Seattle as a collaboration between Northwest Kidney Centers and UW Medicine Division of Nephrology. The institute is focused on developing early detection, prevention and treatment of kidney disease and its complications. For more information about the Kidney Research Institute, go to http://kri.washington.edu.

Facebook event page:

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/events/171961376240027/

Added by FullCalendar on February 24, 2012

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