2247 Gravois Ave.
St. Louis, Missouri 63104

Good Citizen Gallery will be hosting an exhibition entitled “later rather than sooner” by Khara Koffel from June 12 –27, 2009.
Khara Koffel, a native Pennsylvanian, received her MFA in sculpture from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. In 2004 she relocated to Jacksonville, IL where she is a faculty member in the Art Department at MacMurray College.
Koffel pulls inspiration from personal stories, anecdotes, and memories creating installations using specific objects related to her past and present. These installations have included portraits of family members out of such diverse materials as paperclips, eggshells, and cocktail umbrellas. For Koffel, these materials carry a specific relevance to her own stories but remain approachable to a wide range of viewers.
Koffel’s work speaks to the power of seemingly banal objects to spark a memory, recall an emotion, and tell a story. Her care and handling of these materials allow them to become aesthetically pleasing arrangements that invite the viewer into unique shared experiences.

Regular Hours - Fri - Sat 12pm - 5pm

Official Website: http://www.goodcitizenstl.com

Added by Good Citizen on May 15, 2009

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