301 Fremont St
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Since 2003, Kevin Burke has been starring in the Broadway tour of 'Defending the Caveman' to critical acclaim. A native of Chicago, Kevin has been featured on 'Oprah', 'The CBS Morning News,' NPR's Talk of the Nation, The Dr. Laura Berman Show, 'NBC-TV's Friday Night, and ABC-TV's 'America's Funniest People' which awarded Kevin its grand prize.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 16, 2009



Did I mention that there will be very special appetizers and lots of free wine at this event?


May bring some media designers in from Copenhagen...


I like that! The view is great of the bay from where we are having this at SFAI. :)


You went overboard sending this to groups. For example, I cannot see how this is related to the "blasthaus fans" group.


Yeah, seriously: kidproto, you are being a tool