65 Cornwall Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02130

Keshet's BIG Hanukkah Party

Sunday, December 9
3:00-6:00 pm
JP Cohousing, 65 Cornwall Street, Boston (Jamaica Plain) MA
RSVP by Thursday, December 6 to Orly Jacobovits (orly@keshetonline.org / 617.524.9227)

It's the one time of year where deep-frying is holy. Eat some latkes, play a game of dreidel, have a drink, and celebrate Hanukkah with Keshet friends. All ages welcome!

Keshet works for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jews in Jewish life. www.keshetonline.org

Official Website: http://www.keshetonline.org

Added by Keshet18 on November 20, 2007

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