[RSVP with payment required by Thursday, January 31 to Orly Jacobovits: orly@keshetonline.org or 617.524.9227]
Whether you've slept overnight on a rock face in Zion National Park or you have no idea what "belaying" is, this event is sure to r-o-c-k! All levels of experience welcome. Cost is $15/Keshet members, $30/non-Keshet members (includes a 1½-hour lesson and 2 hours of rock climbing). Space is limited. RSVP with payment is absolutely necessary!
Keshet works for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jewish in Jewish life. www.keshetonline.org
Official Website: http://keshetonline.org/news/index.php/2008/01/23/february-24-2008-rock-climing-with-the-20s30s-group/
Added by Keshet18 on January 25, 2008