[RSVP by Thursday, February 7 to Orly Jacobovits: orly@keshetonline.org or 617.524.9227]
Equal Marriage is finally law in Massachusetts. What does this historic accomplishment mean for queer Jews tying the knot? Should we modify traditional wedding ceremonies or being anew and create our own rituals? Join us as we look at the Talmudic tractate Kiddushin and try to answer some of these questions. Rabbi Weisbard Shalem is the rabbi at Wellesley College and the Educational Director at Tifereth Israel Congregation in New Bedford.
Keshet works for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jewish in Jewish life. www.keshetonline.org
Official Website: http://keshetonline.org/news/index.php/2008/01/23/2102008-queering-jewish-marriage-a-text-study-with-rabbi-talya-weisbard-shalem/
Added by Keshet18 on January 25, 2008