Ken Boitz and Brady Antonio are the dynamic duo responsible for the hilarious new comedy show "Ken and Brady's One Man Show". Both were seasoned comic artists before joining forces; Ken performing stand-up and sketch comedy in Phoenix and San Diego, and Brady working in Chicago's world famous "Second City" and "The Annoyance" improvisational theatres. The two met while attending Arizona State University's Fine Arts program, and the rest, as they say, is history. Since joining forces, these two have entertained crowds in comedy clubs across the country, and are regulars in the corporate entertainment world with clients such as John Deere and Hewlett Packard. Recently featured on NBC's 'Last Comic Standing,' "Ken & Brady's One Man Show" is a truly original slant on the art of comedy you'll want to see. It's a rare blend of the worlds of stand-up, sketch, and pure entertainment. See this comedy duo that Judy Tenuta calls "freakin' hysterical".
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 16, 2008