We wouldn't be lecturing you...
...if we didn't think it was facinating!
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Use Features such as Early Bird Discounts, Coupons, and Wait Lists
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Increase Attendanceby up to 50%
Enhance Attendee Satisfaction
Elicit Feedback Easily from the Audience on Speakers, Initiatives, and the Meeting
4:00 Welcome, Registration & Networking
4:30 Best Practices Presentation
7:00 Networking, Food, & Drinks
Your Admission Fee includes the Seminar, Handouts, Appetizers, and 1 drink ticket.
Organized by Mulligan Management GroupMulligan Management Group is a meeting-management company that provides full-service planning assistance to companies, associations, and non-profits. We plan and manage the entireevent,consult on a few critical needs, or plan one component of the event.
We specializes in meetings for groups from 10 to 10,000delivering the personal level of service your organization deserves.
Ticket Info: Keep America Meeting: Best Practices in Troubled Times, $30.99
Official Website: http://mmg-upcoming.eventbrite.com