859 O'Farrell Street
San Francisco, California 94109

on sale 05/21/06 10:00AM PDT

Official Website: http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?agency=TDC&pid=5770948

Added by kewlio on May 16, 2006



Sold out.


Any rumors the group will be signing their new CD in San Francisco that day? After all it's the day it hits the states.


that would be cool, please post any info!


I just saw on the Web site they are doing an instore in Los Angeles that day during halftime of World Cup soccer game. The odds aren't good now.
Odd they are doing it on the day of the SF gig since they play in LA on the 21st anyway.
Don't forget us fans in northern California.


ahh so prolly not then :-/