KDE and Qt Workshop organized by Twincling Technology Foundation.
- KDE 4.2 architecture
- Qt 4.4.3 overview
- Overview of Multiplatform capabilities
- Solid (hardware device integration framework)
- Oxygen (style guide and icon set)
- Plasma (new desktop and panel UI tool)
- Phonon (Multimedia infrastructure)
- ThreadWeaver (multi-core programming library)
- Kross (scripting framework)
- Decibel and Telepathy (VoIP, IM and streaming framework)
- DXS (single click install Web Service)
- Nepomuk (Strigi, Soprano Semantic desktop)
- Akonadi (PIM framework)
- Developing KDE 4.2 compliant plugins
- Unit testing KDE apps
- Qt 4.4.3 architecture
- Signal-Slot design
- Qt C++ MDI application
- Scripting KDE apps with Javascript
- Developing Plasma Desktop Widgets
This workshop uses libraries from the KDE 4.2 snapshot release.
All the participants will be working with KDE 4.2 OpenSuSe LiveCD
Qt 4.4.3 library based application will be run on a stable KDE system to demonstrate the core features.
Official Website: http://events.twincling.org/