Katya Bonnenfant, who works under the artistic moniker the old boys' club, approaches various subjects -- including ideas around desire and judgment -- with humor, whimsy and lightness of mood, even if the subjects themselves reject this levity. 'La Destitution de la jeune fille' is composed of original wallpaper, wooden sculptures, and projected animations depicting warring cartoon-like characters in masks with origins in various cultures. These monsters play out concepts inspired by philosophical theory put forward by the French writers collective Tiqqun, active from 1999-2001. Advancing the notion of the young girl as embodiment of the capitalist machine and the meaninglessness of modern life, the collective calls for a new social order, in which the young girl is overthrown. Among a landscape of chaos and confusion the creatures are fighting the battle of the contemporary world.
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 4, 2010