The Haggus Society in collaboration with Julie Montenegro State Farm present Kate Carvellas' Uniting Dissipations
"My work comes from deep within my heart and mind, from my subconscious. It’s very intuitive and I usually don’t know what a piece is about until I am well into it, but most often, not until I have finished with it. My artwork is an essential and intensely personal part of my life. It explores and expresses the inner workings of my heart, mind and spirit in a way that words cannot express. I hope that when people see it, it will resonate with them on some level, be it intellectual, emotional or spiritual."
Kate Carvellas is a self-taught collage and mixed media artist living in Pasadena, California. Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1963, she spent her childhood in Mountainside, New Jersey and her teen and college years in Northern Virginia. She moved to Pasadena in 1992. Art has always been an interest of hers for as long as she can remember…
… Kate’s pieces also reflect repeated juxtapositions and contradictions. Either way, there is a coming together of these seemingly unrelated parts, and they create a whole, and in it somewhere, a story is told, and a truth is discovered…
...Kate’s work also has many elements of Surrealism, in that she often puts together objects that result in unexpected juxtapositions that create tension an element of surprise because they initially just don’t seem to make sense. Whether it suggests a nightmare or just reveals a vivid imagination, Kate admits that her subconscious mind is busy trying to express buried truths…
…expressing herself artistically is both a deep need as well as an experimental outlet that allows her to go beyond “the real” and explore “the unseen” to better understand those things that defy common sense. In this way, one could say the Hegelian dialectic comes into play, as she makes a discovery, reacts to it and seeks to resolve the tension by overcoming the negatives and going beyond her normal limits, and preserving the useful portions of the discovery. It is in the contradictions that arise within each progressive stage of discovery that alienation arises and must be worked out so unity and integration, and therefore a balance can be found. ---Bernice Mascher
Exhibition runs Feb. 1 through Feb. 28, 2013
Opening reception Feb. 9, 2013
6 until 10 pm
5683 York Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90042
This exhibit is sponsored in part by the following:
Julie Montenegro State Farm
Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council
Tarnished Scorpio
Fractured Atlas
The Haggus Society is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of the Haggus Society must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Added by clvngodess on January 25, 2013