Karma Moffett has developed, over a period of thirty years, an exceptional program of music, which is presented to the community as a Wish-Bestowing Ceremony. He uses his unique collection of instruments, featuring antique Tibetan Bowls, Bells, Tingsha, Longhorn, and Conch Shells.
Patterning the ceremony as a symbolic journey to Tibet, Karma begins by playing Native American Flute, to fly the audience to the Tibetan Plateau. Then Karma plays the Tibetan Longhorn, escorting his audience into the monastery. There follows a journey through the Bowls, from the low tones to the high, using varying patterns, creating different harmonics amongst the attuned and paired sets of bowls.
There is another aspect to the ceremony. It is becoming widely accepted that pure sound tones and harmonics have a positive and penetrating impact upon a person's natural healing system. Karma has developed his collection of instruments and his ceremony with this understanding as his guide. When experiencing the ceremony in an intimate setting, one really feels the Longhorn and the Bowls move the energy of the lower chakras. The Bells move the heart and middle chakras. The Tingsha and Conch Shells stimulate the crown and higher chakras. Thus, the journey to the highlands is also a journey through the chakras.
One experiences the ceremony in candlelight, in a warm, intimate setting, bathed in the rich sound of the bells. People have been so moved by these ceremonies that they have returned, bringing members of their families and communities with them. They have also had Karma play background music for their own celebrations, birthdays, weddings, and rites of passage. His music is extensively used as background for meditation, yoga, t'ai chi, massage. Karma dedicates his performance to Love, Compassion and Peace.
$15.00 Advance/ $20.00 Day of event.
Official Website: http://www.avalonyoga.com
Added by FullCalendar on November 24, 2008