Package Deals and Deadlines
Both Sunday Workshops:Before March 7th: $70, plus show: $80Before March 15th: $75, plus show: $85
Master & one Sunday Workshop: Before March 15th: $90, plus show $100
Master & both Sunday Workshops:Before March 15th: $120, plus show $130
1:30am - 1:30pm: $55 before Mar. 7th : $60 before Mar. 15th : $75 at the door.
Saturday, April 4 - Al Moro Studio, 806 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Attendees interested in this Master Class must contact Ava Fleming at or 602.502.6909.
This dance class will demonstrate how to interpret melody into movement. We will understand how to dance to a vocal song vs. an instrumental. We will study Maqam; the Arabic music system that determines the mood of the song based on the musical scale and note collection. We will also practice the art of Taqsim, improvised musical melody and its corresponding dances. Karim plays live music on the Buzuq to demonstrate how a dancer and musician synchronize with eachother during an Arab style improvisation. The students will practice interpreting the instrumental music into movement and personifying the mood of the music.
7:00pm - 10:00pm: $15.00
Saturday, April 4 - Plaza de Anaya Studio, 524 W. Broadway Road, Tempe AZ 85282
Performances by local dancers and featuring Karim Nagi. After the show, the evening continues with open dancing and DJ Turbo Tabla!
10am - 12pm : $40 before Mar. 15 : $50 at the door.
Sunday, April 5 - Plaza de Anaya Studio, 524 W. Broadway Road, Tempe AZ 85282
A dancer's immediate connection to the music is the rhythm produced by the Tabla and percussion. Karim teaches each rhythm using the three-sound clapping approach. Karim then performs sample rhythms on the Tabla. Students will learn each rhythm by name, "dum-tak" vocalization, and clapping. Afterwards the dancers will learn choreography segments to help gain bodily control with the sample rhythm. This movement workshop is perfect for any dancer who wants to better understand what they are dancing to.
1:00pm - 3:00pm: $40 before Mar. 15 : $50 at the door.
Sunday, April 5 - Plaza de Anaya Studio, 524 W. Broadway Road, Tempe AZ 85282
Students will learn how interpret sound into movement by aligning body parts and motions with drum sounds and riffs. The six-part drum-solo will be explained, theme by theme. Students will then perform to any combination of these 6 major drum solo themes. Students will learn how to both lead and follow the drummer by maintaining the common language. Improvisation skills will be encouraged, and the daunting prospect of dancing to a LIVE drum solo will be demystified. This dance workshop can also be configured to include drummers as well.
For more information please contact Ava Fleming at, or call 602.502.6909
Organized by al Moro Studio
Ticket Info: - Maqam, Musicality & Taqsim, $61.50
- Rhythm for Dancers, $41.00
- Drum Solo Communication, $41.00
- Package: 2 Sunday Workshops, $71.75
- Package: 2 Sunday Workshops & Show, $82.00
- Package: Master & Rhythm Workshop, $92.25
- Package: Master & Drum Solo, $92.25
- Package: Master, Drum Solo & Show, $102.50
- Package: Master & 2 Sunday Workshops, $123.00
- Package: Master, 2 Sunday Workshops & Show, $133.25
- Show & Hafla, $15.99
Official Website: