Friday, March 20, 2009
Noon - 2 pm
Media, Arts and Culture Kafe: Dedicated to honoring women of excellence in the
areas of the arts, media and culture. This Kafe will honor women who are
excelling in the areas of creativity and imagination as they relate to the
arts, film, fashion, theater and television. All of these categories
represent different areas where creativity is lauded, thinking outside of the
box is encouraged and the celebration of self is key.
The Artistry
942 Peachtree St, NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
Partnering Sponsors:
Women In Film & Television - Atlanta
Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts
Universal Music
Advance Ticket Cost:
$30 -includes lunch
$45 - includes lunch and ticket to Vanessa Williams' Feet on the Ceiling on Sunday, March 22 @ 2 pm or 7:30 pm
All tickets sold at the door are $40 and only include the lunch!
**Please have photo ID to gain entry to event. Tickets for show will be available for pick-up at luncheon.
Organized by The Starfire Group, I'na Saulsbery
Ticket Info: - March 20 Luncheon ONLY, $30.99
- March 20 Luncheon & Feet on the Ceiling Tickets - Sunday, March 22, $46.12
Official Website: http://shesuccedsmedia2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com