MKH Productions presents "Ka Hula Hou: Pride on the Line" on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at Centennial Hall in Hayward, CA. This first-ever hula challenge will feature the male dancers from four award-winning mainland hula halau. Each group will challenge each other in bouts where the audience (that's you!) will choose the winner. Join us for this one-of-a-kind, no holds barred event where hula meets sport; authentic Hawaiian entertainment at its finest!
The contenders are:
Halau Na Pua Lehua I Ka Ua Noe
Kumu: Keoni Chang
Chino Hills/Los Angeles, CA
Halau Hula a Kawika laua 'O Leinani
Kumu: Kawika & Leinani Viloria
Diamond Bar/Los Angeles, CA
Halau Hula Ke 'ala O Kamailelauli'ili'i
Kumu: Kamaile Hamada
Federal Way/Seattle, WA
Academy of Hawaiian Arts
Kumu: Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu
Oakland, CA
More info at:
Tickets available online at or by calling (510) 512-3974.
Official Website:
Added by kamalii on January 1, 2008