780 Arastradero Road at Foothill Expressway
Palo Alto, California

Come see Grammy-nominated children’s singer and songwriter Justin Roberts and his band perform comic and soulful songs with creative, unique twists and turns that parents enjoy as much as children. Justin delights audiences nationwide with his songs about baseball, bullies, dinosaurs and losing teeth. Justin has also appeared on the Today show, won five Parents Choice Gold Awards and creates music videos for the Noggin family network.

Justin Roberts & The Not Ready for Naptime Players will perform on Sunday, October 23, at 11am and 2pm at Gunn High School’s Spangenberg Theatre, located at 780 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto CA, 94306. Advance tickets may be purchased at Linden Tree Books on State Street in Los Altos, CA (650-949-3390) for $13, or by emailing your request to tickets@mvpns.org. Online ticket purchases are $14 and may be purchased at www.mvpns.org/calendar. On the day of the event, tickets are $15 at the door.

Added by hansen-001 on September 18, 2011

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