Just.social is just that: social. It's a simple, neighborly idea: come together with other young people who care about things that you care about. Things like justice. Mix. Mingle. Talk about life. Talk politics. Talk shop. Share your sensibilities. Or just be. Socially.
Thursday, August 27
6 to 8 pm
Elixir Saloon
3200 16th St. (at Guerrero St.)
San Francisco, CA 94103
RSVP here: http://norcal.aclu.org/site/R?i=HwCuMDry8IBcgcj5D-ImaA
The ACLU will provide free drink tickets for first 25 people, and light snacks. This will also be your opportunity to learn about the ACLU's new Demand Your dotRights campaign.
We hope to see you there.
Added by aclu_nc on August 20, 2009