605 Main Street
Middletown, Connecticut

Bring a bucket, barrel, pot, pan of any other piece of junk you think would sound good, a stick to hit it with and a set of earplugs (Strongly Recommended). Together we will demonstrate what can be done with the things we throw away or walk by every day.

Everything is a drum!

Let's get together and make some noise!

Maybe even music!

All ages and skill levels are welcome, especially

If this first time is a success, we will be doing it every

Our current list of instruments includes:

1 55 gallon steel barrel
several 5 gallon plastic buckets
1 kitchen sink (Naturally...)
2 polycarbonate spring water jugs
1 8 gallon (I am guessing) small steel barrel
1 1 gallon propane bottle
1 manhole cover. Seriously, we have a manhole cover! Is that not cool?

Participants are encouraged to bring some sort of sticks, padded or not and something to hit with said sticks. Clearly, I have extra things to hit.

Facilitated by Martin Grover

Official Website: http://www.buttonwood.org

Added by thebuttonwoodtree on March 18, 2009

Interested 1