周五, 2008年7月18日
with support by DJs Ben Huang, Ozone, Razor.
MAO Club - Shanghai
45 Yueyang Lu, near Dongping Lu
Door: 100 RMB
Friday, July 18, 2008
周五, 2008年7月18日
About "JUNK"... Founded by veteran Shanghai DJ Ben Huang and American DJ Ozone (who have done well-known parties like The Antidote, Yellow, D!NG, Absolute Techno, and put together many legendary nights at the old Tanghui). "JUNK" was previously a private, word-of-mouth party held in small venues (or often small rooms of large venues) around town. Now we're inviting the public to join in the fun. We're bringing back DJ @llen, who rocked the first D!NG party at 4Live over a year and half ago.
Get ready for a night of great party music!
About DJ Allen...
DJ @llen is probably the most well-known name in Taiwan's electronic dance scene and recognized as "the Godfather of electronic dance music in Taiwan."
In the summer 1995 he did the first-ever outdoor rave in Taipei which kicked off the whole rave phenomenon on the island.
He is also the author of "2001 E Generation: Electronic Dance Music Bible" (published in 1999) -- the only dance music encyclopedia written in Chinese, which has made a huge impact among the Chinese electronic music lovers.
In recent years, @llen has been invited to DJ at the huge dance event Street Parade in Zurich and Rio Parade in Rio, Brazil in front of hundreds of thousands of people along with big international names. He also has played in Shanghai and Beijing many times, and he is the first Taiwanese DJ to hold a monthly residency at MoS Taipei.
Having been DJing for almost 20 years, @llen has established a music style of his own. His style ranges from house, techno to electro and is specializing in blending his set with a great dose of funk, soul, rock, or disco elements. His second mix compilation Muzik Boutique 003 - "Electro Groove" was released by Hinote records Taiwan in May 2006.
In April 2008 he opened "The Boat" -- a dance club/live venue on an actual boat on Liangma river in Beijing.
DJ @llen (La Groove, 台湾)
打碟资历将近20年,被尊为台湾电音教父的DJ @llen,是一手带起台湾电子音乐风起云湧的指标人物,是岛内最具知名度的DJ。
曾多次获英文台北时报 (Taipei Times) 读者票选为全台第一、第二名DJ,并获网路BBS票选为全台最受欢迎DJ。
1995年在台北的二重疏洪道以DIY的方式办了台湾第一场瑞舞派对(Rave party),并于媒体中介绍电子音乐与瑞舞文化,成为开创台湾瑞舞文化的电音先驱。
1996年出版台湾第一张以DJ为主的Techno舞曲混音专辑:"DANCE NO ECSTASY" (1996 芮河唱片)。
2001年至西班牙IBIZA岛、2002年获邀于瑞士苏黎世百万人电音花车大遊行Street Parade上打碟;以及 2003年前往巴西里约第一届的电音嘉年华Rio Parade打碟。期间数度受邀至上海和北京的舞吧演出。
2005 台北Ministry of Sound首位本土客座DJ。他兼具能量与深度的DJ功力让他一直受到舞客疯狂的爱戴并获得许多国际知名DJ的认可讚扬。精湛的打碟功力使得台北易禧科技于2004年邀请@llen为其开办专业DJ训练班,规划课程并担任讲师。Pioneer DJ器材台湾区代言人。电影"撼动生命"(It's All Gone Pete Tong)代言人。知名品牌LOEWE时尚派对专属DJ。
2006年第二张混音CD - "Electro Groove"由台湾映像唱片发行。
2007年参与北戴河BIG LOVE海滩派对电子舞台总策划;摩登天空音乐节电子舞台总召集人;迷笛音乐节电子舞台演出。
2008年在北京亮马河上开设THE BOAT,结合DJ party和现场乐队演出,成为京城前卫时尚音乐的基地。
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=24291473734
Added by urgentculture on July 5, 2008