An intensive one-day workshop for those interested in developing their own psychic abilities!Barb'sPSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPislimited in size, to promote an intimate atmosphere of learningand practicing. This workshop normally sells out quick so register now!
*Special hotel room rates available! Please reference "Mallon Group" when booking.
You must be over 18 to participate and in good general health.
If you have a minor who wishes to participate, please contact us.
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP:This workshop is meant to be fun, empowering, and enlightening! Every one of us is psychic (yes,youtoo!) and has psychic abilities to some extent. They are our God-given abilities - we just need to learn to develop these abilities more strongly to help guide us (and others) through our busy lives. Use your abilities to help createstrongbusiness relationships and personal relationships, OR use them to help others with guidance and information through intuitive readings.
When we listen to our psychic abilities, things tend to fall right into place. This is because we don't fight with our intuition/Higher Self/Guides, we let itguideus. When we have that "knowing" that we shouldn't do this or that, and then go out of our way to make it work for us anyway, we tend to find trouble finding ourselves on that circle of being stuck rather than on a spiral of growth. Do these questions sound familiar? "Why does thisalwayshappen to me? Why do I always find myself in this mess? Why do I always choose the wrong person?" Learn to jump off that circle and back on the spiral journey of GROWTH. Learn to let your intuition and psychic abilities help your soul (and others) grow.
This workshop is full of basic information so you may get a taste of many different aspects of psychic development and choose what works best for YOUt. You will also be conducting actualmini readings for other students during this workshop!This, so you may take the experience back home and practice on others.
DON'T FEEL INTIMIDATED! Alllevels are welcome, from beginners to advanced, as this is an opportunity to learn (or refresh) and practice!
During this workshop, you will learn:*Individual psychic ability what that means for you*How to prepare your body for psychic readings*Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairgustance/Clairambience, Clairalience and Claircognizance with Exercises to Develop Each - class participation*Symbols and why they are so important when receiving information*The seven major chakras and how they relate to your psychic abilities*How to balance your chakras to help "clear the channel" for messages - a guided meditation*Learn about aura's, and how to read your own or others - class readings!*Learn how to tune into people for information - class readings!*Psychometry - a wonderful way to develop further your "Clairs" - class readings!*Learn to do a photo reading - class readings!*The importance of meditation*Working with your spirit guides
Included in this class:*Workbook of Workshop Information for Reference*Bottled water*Snacks
*Please note, SPACE IS LIMITED. Also, because we need to prepare workbooks and have an even number of students for readings, etc.,if you change your mind or find you cannot attend, you must contact us at least48 hoursin advance of the workshop to receive a fullrefundof your deposit. Except in the case of an emergency, if sufficient notice is not given, 1/2 of your deposit will be refunded. Thank you for your understanding.
Organized by Barb Mallon, Psychic Medium
Ticket Info: Psychic Development Workshop Seat, $125.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/276911249/upcoming