9 Muses Tavern
2715 SE Belmont St
Portland, OR 97214
ph: 503-236-3848
June 1: Stumptown Stars, Josh Cole
June2: Rodger Davert, Renegade Minstrels, Joey Band
June 4: Acoustic Open Mic
June 5: Old Believers, Annie Bethancourt
June 6: Adam Costly, Lou and Anthony
June 7: Jack Benjamin,George Wolf, Joe Jackson
June 8: Ally Jamison,Marie Black, Mystic Canyon
June 9: Mike Chew,Manitee, Tarnation Revival
June 11: Acoustic Open Mic
June12: James Farewtheewell, Todd Samusson
June: 13: Adam holtly, Mila Polevia
June14: Reverand Feathers, Flag Minstrels
June 15: Back Ally String Band, The Why Nots, Pippi Lives
June 16: Amish Love Child,David Rea, Broke String Band
June 18: Acoustic Open Mic
June 19: Looking Glass, Mirror Peace
June 20:Therese E., Ivy Ross, Taming Marazual
June 21: Liberal Media, Bryn, Echo Helstrom
June22: Sammy Lett, Allen Mathews
June23: Quality Name Brand, Scottland Barr
June 25: Acoustic Open Mic
June 26: Seeing Double, Trace G.
June27: Flow forward,Thomas Rusnak
June 28 Caps of the Game, Steven Kattenbraker
June 29:Ashbury Park, Amazing Amanda
June 30: Slavery Child, Rememory Joe
Official Website: http://www.myspace/ninemusestavern
Added by flofish on May 24, 2007