Don't miss the new productionᅠ"Juncal Street", spearheaded by virtuoso dancers Fanny Ara and Manuel Gutierrez, bringing their own contemporary take on the flamenco art form with a decidedly urban twist.ᅠ
Juncal Street features six incredible and renowned performers, prodigies in the expression of their art, come together as a multi-cultural medley of North American, French, Spanish and Gypsy backgrounds to create aᅠdazzling, modern fusion of who they are and what unites them: their dedication to their craft.ᅠ
Guitarists will not want to miss Jason McGuire "El Rubio", one of the top flamenco guitar players in the U.S.
"When I first heard Jason play guitar, I was in awe of his talent and the fluidity of his style. He has an incredible knowledge of flamenco combined with an electic modern fusion jazz sensibility. He is unique in a world of a million guitarists." - Grammy Nominated Engineer/Producer, Cookie Marenco ᅠ
Rounding out the all-star ensemble: Jose Cortes on vocals, veteran drummer Joey Heredia and session bassist Jerry Watts.ᅠ
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 26, 2012