414 Mason St
San Francisco, California 94102

One woman's true story of living with multiple personalities... and surviving to tell the tale!

Adapted from the graphic novel of the same name, CUCKOO chronicles the true adventures of Adriene and her many personalities as they baffle her boyfriend, wreak havoc in her therapist's office, hijack her homework, and generally take over her life.

But there's method in the madness. Each personality in his or her own way helps Adriene survive, while their secrets force Adriene to face a frightening past and find her whole self.... whether she wants to or not!

See excerpts from the graphic novel and info on Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) at www.cuckoocomic.com

February 5-28, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm / Thursdays Feb 5 & 26 at 8pm / Sundays Feb 15 & 22 at 5pm / ***Please note: Sunday shows begin at 5pm***

Contact: (415) 262-0240; jumptheatre@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.jumptheatre.com

Added by Jump Theatre on February 7, 2009

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